Crypto Payment


Supported Network

  • Ethereum Mainnet

Supported Tokens for Payment

Automata Payment Contract

Never send tokens directly to our payment contract.

Subscribe to Plans via Crypto Payment

Under your Dashboard, navigate to the Explore Plan page.

There are a few options to select before making a payment:

  1. Toggle between Monthly and Annually to select an appropriate subscription period.

  2. Toggle between ATA, USDC or USDT, depending on which token you wish to use to pay for the subscription.

Click on Upgrade to Personal / Developer to subscribe to your chosen plan.

Confirm the chosen plan details and click on Proceed when ready.

If you're paying for the subscription in ATA, the token price (USD value) is locked for 10 minutes. Once this expires, a new token price will be quoted to you.

If you have not deposited any tokens with us, you will be transferring the payment token (that you have selected) into our payment contract.

During the process, you will be prompted to approve the smart contract for the crypto payment.

Please verify that the smart contract you're interacting with is 0x3ACBfad7460e2fae32A31f863e1A38F7a002cEA8

Once the approval process is complete, click on the button to confirm your payment.

It takes up to 15 confirmations before your payment is confirmed (~ 5 minutes).

Once your payment is confirmed, the status will be displayed as Active on the Billing Dashboard.

In the event that the status is Inactive, do wait a while more before manually refreshing the dashboard.

Last updated