Fiat Payment

At the Explore Plans, toggle between Monthly and Annually to select an appropriate subscription period. Leave the USD selection as default.

Click on Upgrade to Personal / Developer to subscribe to your chosen plan.

Confirm the chosen plan details and click on Proceed when ready.

You will be redirected to the third party fiat payment page - Stripe.

Fill up your card payment details and click on Subscribe.

We do not store any credit card details on our application and do not hold responsibility for credit card payments. Fiat payment is solely managed by Stripe.

The credit card would be charged automatically by Stripe depending on the chosen billing cycle. For instance, if you have purchased Personal (monthly) plan, your credit card would be charged monthly.

Remember to update your credit card details or cancel your paid subscription should you decide to not continue.

The subscription process takes a few seconds.

Upon successful payment, you will find your newly activated subscription displayed on the Billing Dashboard.

Last updated